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My husband recently bought a new bike which he promptly parked in the garage. In a normal garage that wouldn't be a problem, but because it's our shop, it was a problem! We started looking for a shed that we could put on the back patio to store the bike, as well as other things that are crowding our workspace.
I have a Costco membership so we started our search there. We quickly found a style we liked at an affordable price so we ordered it. It arrived to my house a few weeks later. Although, the driver could not deliver it to the exact final location, he got it close enough! We think this will be a style shed people will like so there may be interest in seeing the assembly process. The instructions are really good, but there were a few things that could be improved which we share throughout the video.
Modernist 6 ft. x 5 ft. Storage Shed - Peppercorn
We spent about five hours in the hot July Florida sun assembling the shed. If we had not been in a time crunch, we would have worked on it over two mornings as the weather was bearable in the morning. But we pushed through and got it done. We need to point out that Ryobi misting fan in the background. That proved invaluable in helping to keep us cool while we worked!
Please note: This is not a sponsored post.
FYI: We are not professionals, and we don't claim to be. This is what we found worked for our project. Yours may need a little different approach. Safety first! FYI: Affiliate links are being used on this page. Purchasing via these links help support MDP! Related Projects
8/13/2020 10:44:58 am
thanks for sharing how to put storage shed together.
8/14/2020 03:24:45 pm
You're welcome!
steve k metts
4/11/2022 08:37:32 pm
can you put shed directly on ground or should it go on wood or concrete
4/17/2022 12:03:11 am
Have you found any compatible accessories for this shed like shelves and hooks?
Joe brocchini
6/25/2022 02:46:00 pm
Why can the left side door open still with my lock on. Suncast 6x5 shed
6/25/2022 03:25:27 pm
The left door has a way to secure it into the top and bottom of the shed from the inside.
Elizabeth Sickels
7/28/2022 01:41:34 pm
Steph you are awesome, thank you for doing this. It is two years later and your video really helped me. I am glad I tried to screw the metal to metal pieces on the floor instead of after it was in place. I still needed WD40 to get them to go in. I also had difficulty getting the last corner panel to snap in and just forced it as far down as I could. Thanks again!
7/30/2022 08:20:51 pm
You are welcome! Glad it helped!
12/18/2022 01:57:49 am
Hello! I’m considering getting this shed but I know we will be moving the the next couple of years and I would like to be able to bring it with us to our new house. I’ve been looking for information about disassembling it. Know what it’s like to put it together, do you think it would be possible to disassemble it to move it?
12/18/2022 09:22:48 am
Yeah, I think you could disassemble it. Just make sure not to strip the screws putting it together, and keep track of all the parts when you take it apart.
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