text by Vicki Sign up here to join our weekly email newsletter!
We are always on the lookout for new and innovated DIY products to try. Steph spotted this new product by DAP and thought it looked promising. She convinced me we needed to give it a try in a head to head product challenge. DAP Eclipse Wall Repair Patch verses standard spackling.
Well, we were not bowled over by this product. It didn't appear to be any easier than using spackling, although it is a lot less messy.
Would we use it again? Possibly, but it would have to be in a less visible area. We think more research is needed into the recommended use of this product. Have you tried this? What was your experience? Please note: This is not a sponsored post. FYI: We are not professionals, and we don't claim to be. This is what we found worked for our project. Yours may need a little different approach. Safety first! FYI: Affiliate links are being used on this page. Purchasing via these links help support MDP! Related Projects
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